a “newsy” blog post
It really has been such a lovely week so far. I got to talk to my sweet friend Tracy on the phone which is always a treat. We made plans for a girlfriends’ weekend in June so we can shop and craft and cook and hang out and drink lots of tea. I can’t wait!
I talked to my friend Jana yesterday (we talk almost every day) and we made a couple plans for celebrating her birthday. I think she might be coming down to Red Wing this weekend, so I had to ask her what kind of cake and ice cream she’ll be needing… (something chocolate and wonderful, no doubt). I think we’ll be heading to Psycho Suzi’s in May for lunch and cocktails on the tiki patio. I always look forward to seeing her and making a trip to the “big city.” Hee hee…
I went on a little impromptu road trip with my friend Nancy yesterday and we decided to go get lunch at King’s in Miesville…(some of the best burgers in Minnesota.) When someone from out of state says Culver’s are the best burgers they’ve ever had I have to laugh. Really? bummer. After lunch we headed to a couple favorite thrift store haunts and did some shopping. I picked up a few teacups, a pile of books (including a few vintage cookbooks!), and some vintage tea towels. (Will share photos soon…)
We celebrated my grand girl (Maddie May’s) fourth birthday on Tuesday. Cake and presents and spaghetti! Oh my! She’s on a Dora the Explorer kick these days so it was fun to watch her open her Dora Doll, Dora “phone” and her cute little green dress. What a little honey bunny! (I’ll share photos in my upcoming “Six Senses” post.)
Other than that, I’ve been continuing to cook and bake and write and photograph for the book(s). Of course! 🙂
It snowed again. But…GOOD NEWS! It melted! and…it’s suppose to get up in the 70s tomorrow and stay there for awhile. So, pretty soon we’ll be going on picnics, enjoying date nights on the deck, making a trip to Sargent’s Nursery, making Mud Pies, planting veggies, flowers and new roses, making my Herb Garden Salad Dressing, fresh herbal tea, Rose Miel, Rose Petal Scones, Twisted Herb Bread, Rose Geranium Butter Cake, herbal simple syrup and experiencing Green Joy, The Land of Awakening and Pure Magic all over again. Don’t ya just LOVE Spring? so many fun plans in store for us. I can’t wait to properly celebrate this beautiful, warm season, even if we’re doing it a bit behind schedule.
Vidalia onions are in season for only a short time, so I’m making a big pot of soup tonight using this yummy, sweet onion. I like the looks of Bobby Flay’s recipe, so I think I’ll start with that and see how it goes. I might make some Vidalia vinaigrette too…another dressing to add to the master list. (I was so surprised to see that this dressing collection was shared and pinned over a thousand times…and every time I check, the number gets bigger! YAY! ….speaking of numbers getting bigger, we’ve noticed a huge jump in blog visits since my facebook page recently hit 17K! Still amazed at that!)
I’d like to thank you all for visiting my little corner of the internet, and for your continual support and encouragement of my endeavors.
Much Love,