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pure magic

Apple trees line the entire street where I take my daily walk.

And the lilac blossoms are starting to bloom on McSorley.

The scent nearly makes me swoon every time I walk out the front door.

Have I mentioned how much I love this time of year?

The earth is carpeted in pure magic…

What are your favorite flowers to plant?

What are your favorite spring rituals?


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  1. My favorite scents for spring are Lilac and Hyacinth. I love smelling them, and if i find a candle with those smells, I burn them like crazy in the spring. I especially love when it rains, I open the windows and let the fresh rain scented air blow through the house and blow out the old stagnant air! And yes I saw that I am now on your blogroll. Thanks so much!!!

    1. Kristina, I love lilacs, apple blossoms and hyacinth too. And the scent of rain…bliss! THANK YOU for being such an awesome lady and a truly supportive friend 🙂 xoxo

  2. GORGEOUS pictures! I love the colors! Spring is God’s way of saying “I’m sorry for winter,” I think. 🙂

    I can’t honestly think of a flower I don’t like, but my favorites are tulips, daisies, sunflowers, and pretty much every kind of lily. Also, no matter how the flower looks, if it’s yellow, it makes my heart happy. Even dandelions.

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos.

    1. Dana, Thanks for the compliment! I think my photos are slowly but surely getting better 🙂 I appreciate the praise. All flowers are cool. I think it’s hard to pick too…sunflowers are at the top of my list. I didn’t really like roses before I started growing them. When you understand the right kind to grow in our crazy state, it makes the experience so much better 😉

      I spotted a patch of dandelions today…a BIG patch. I think I may try making dandelion wine this summer. Hmmmm….we’ll see!

    1. really Mary? It seems like we’re so behind this year. But, then, I am comparing this year to last….a bad habit to get into. Especially in this state 😉

  3. My favorite flower to smell is orchid. My favorite flower to look at is hibiscus. I don’t plant flowers because I have never been able to keep them alive.

    1. Many flowers and plants have died in my garden too. My solution…go back to the nursery to get more flowers and plants 😉 I love orchids too… they remind me of Maui. Other flowers that I fell in love with on Maui…plumeria! The plumeria trees are so gorgeous and all over the resort where we stayed…white, blue and red ginger (are those flowers?) and bromeliad. and the lobster plant…and birds of paradise… So much to love on a tropical island.

  4. I love lilacs and lavender, and that’s it. They’re the only living things that don’t make me sick, and actually lilacs are iffy depending on their strength. I planted some bushes on the side of my house and hope they’ll bloom a little this year, and my lavender is already sprouting and spreading.

  5. Oh – by sick, it’s becuase of allergies. Didn’t mean it to sound bad. Sorry. Lavender lemonade? Sounds interesting! I burned some lavendar candles today during the rain, it was very calming.

    1. I knew what you meant 🙂 I’m sorry your allergies give you such a terrible time. The little flare up I had (5 days) was horrible. I can’t imagine living with them all the time.