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sweet pickle tea sandwiches

If you like sweet pickles, and if you like cucumber sandwiches, I’m betting you’ll love these. You can make these with sweet pickle slices or dill pickle slices and they’re great both ways. I made mine with Wickles spicy sweet pickles today for tea time and they were so good. Just use you’re favorite pickles and you’re good to go.

Sweet pickle tea sandwiches go together quickly and will be right at home with your other favorite tea sandwiches on your tea tray. I like vegan ‘chicken’ salad, vegan egg salad, faux gras vegan pate, mini vegan club sandwiches, carrot cheddar curry using vegan cheddar, and of course classic cucumber tea sandwiches. What are your favorites?

for the sweet pickle tea sandwiches:

dense white bread (pullman loaf works well for these)

cream cheese (I used plain, So Delicious brand cream cheese)

fresh dill

sweet pickle (or dill pickle) slices

Cut crusts off bread. Spread each slice with a layer of your favorite cream cheese. Blot pickle slices with a paper towel to remove excess moisture. Make a layer of pickles on half of the prepared bread slices. top with dill, and then top with the other pieces of bread. Cut into triangles and serve.

Tip: To keep these sandwiches fresh until a tea party, line them up on a tray or plates. Wet some paper towels and them ring them out well. Lay them over the sandwiches and then cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for up to 24 hours.



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