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rain rapture

I’ve decided to spend the day in my kitchen, listening to my favorite radio shows, watching this movie on my little DVD player, and baking a special cake for a tea I’m attending tomorrow.

I did a LOT of baking over the winter, and I sort of thought I’d be sick of it come spring, but I find there is a different energy that goes into spring baking that is nothing like winter baking. That may sound strange to people who don’t really enjoy cooking and baking, but nonetheless it is true.

So, as I wait for the water to boil in the tea kettle I’m thinking about my favorite rainy day rituals again and I’m wondering, what do you like to do on rainy days? I have a list that may inspire your own. Please feel free to share it with me!

~ make a pot of your favorite tea or a French press

~ spend the day in your kitchen listening to your favorite radio show or soothing music while baking bread and/or making a pot of soup , pasta fazool, or boeuf borguignon.

~ write letters or read in front of the fireplace. Some of my favorite rainy day reading: poetry by Cathy Song, Paul Eluard, Emily Dickinson, William Wordsworth, Mary Oliver, Yeats, and Pablo Neruda. Letters to a Young Poet by Rilke, or Remembrance of Things Past by Marcel Proust. Anything by Diane Ackerman.

~ read your favorite magazines

~ light candles everywhere

~  order a pizza and watch a movie

~ take a long nap

~ hang out on a screened-in porch or gazebo, open a bottle of wine, make a ploughmans’s lunch and play word games: Scrabble, Boggle or Bananagrams

~ work on a craft project

~ do yoga

~ paint or draw

~ scrapbook or look at old photo albums

~ set up a slide projector with old slides, pop some popcorn and reminisce

~ sew or work on a quilt

~ meditate

~ update your iPod

~ re-arrange your furniture

~ make something wonderful for dinner



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  1. Oh how I envy you!! It seems that even on the weekends, I don’t have free time to create rituals. Unless you count the ritual of always doing the chores & duties & running, and the ritual of not getting to do other things. LOL Once upon a time, I was able to spend hours of free time on things of my choice, and on *those* rainy days I’d light candles, throw a meal in the crock pot, and craft while I watched movies. Snuggling under blankets on the couch watching movies with the kids or reading is another favorite. Now we watch movies still, but I’m usually working on some chore or duty at the same time.

  2. I would like to do ALL of the above! Even better if I could do any of those things with a certain author/blogger/bestest I know. (well, maybe separate naps would be in order)