Spa Cuisine Recipes

creamy chicken & brown rice hotdish

Are people always talking about weather where you live? I just realized, just this minute, that I start most of my posts by telling you what the weather is doing in Minnesota. I started to wonder if it’s an a) Minnesota thing… b) an old person thing (because I am a grandma now so I…

peaches & cream smoothie

Hello and happy Monday, Lovelies 🙂 We’ve been snuggling in and avoiding the frozen tundra that is the outdoors here in Minnesota. The governor declared today and tomorrow mandatory “snow” days because of the extremely cold weather we’re experiencing in the midwest.  So, that means no school and lots of indoor activity. I started the…

orange chicken

Time to get in the groove again. I had sooooo much fun just being lazy over vacation, but now it’s time to focus. As I mentioned in my last few posts, I’m concentrating on health this year. I’ll be cooking lots of good-for-you stuff, and adding those recipes to my repertoire. I’ll try not to…


Can you believe we’re almost ready to welcome the new year? This past year has been a wonderful one, full of so many great things and accomplishments, but I’m still always amazed when I turn the calendar page to January. My mom says that the older you get, the faster time goes. I really hope…

honey-kissed cilantro vinaigrette

I can hardly believe it! 40 healthy, homemade salad dressings! I made each and every one with flavor in mind, and I love that they all include real, delicious ingredients that you can easily find in your pantry or grocery store. Even better, you’ll never have to buy the pre-bottled stuff again. No more mystery…

gracie’s alphabet veggie soup

It’s zero degrees outside today. The sort of day when you look outside and think it looks nice and sunny… and then you open the door to get the mail, catch your breath, quickly close the door and resolve to never do that again. My how the seasons change here in our fickle Minnesota. I…

raspberry kiss smoothies

We’re off to bring Gracie to her dance class.  While she’s there we’ll be at the market, shopping for our Thanksgiving meal. Our last date night was a trip to Menards to buy wainscoting. I’m beginning to see a pattern 😉 I had the house to myself today so I got all my work done…

raspberry jalapeno parmesan salad dressing

Currently enjoying: Uncle Gary’s Original and Raspberry Pepper Jellies and BBQ sauces on EVERYTHING. From rustic turkey-gruyere sandwiches on wheat toast to brekky eggs. The Zesty Peach BBQ transforms humble meatloaf to ambrosia. Today I had some of the Candied Jalapeno BBQ swirled into a bowl of brown rice and beans for my lunch. Let…

easy no-knead whole wheat bread

All I really want to do today is sit under a big quilt and read next to the fireplace. It’s oh-so-cold outside, I can smell snowflakes making their way to Red Wing. Know the smell? It’s cold and clean and reminds me of when I’ve visited big waterfalls and stood at the foot of them.…