raspberry kiss smoothies
We’re off to bring Gracie to her dance class. While she’s there we’ll be at the market, shopping for our Thanksgiving meal. Our last date night was a trip to Menards to buy wainscoting. I’m beginning to see a pattern 😉
I had the house to myself today so I got all my work done early and relaxed for a few hours before Jeff and Grace got home. Lots of things happening in the home studio these days. So much fun, even if it is a bit tiring.
I decided to whip up a quick, healthy smoothie for my brekky, and it turned out so yummy, I just had to pass the recipe on to you.
for one big smoothie:
1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
3/4 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
1 Tablespoon sugar (optional)
1/2 cup milk
whipped cream (optional)
sprinkles (optional)
Combine the raspberries, yogurt, sugar and milk in the bowl of a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a tall glass and top with a little dollop of whipped cream, and sprinkles.