Date Night With Jeff

Date Night~ The Port of Red Wing at The St. James Hotel

This week Jeff and I spent date night at The St. James Hotel’s Port of Red Wing restaurant. Such a lovely place. Great service, wonderful food, and my favorite wine guy works there. He’s so knowledgeable on the subject of wine, and it’s always an educational, enjoyable experience to talk with him. Entrance to The…

Grape Harvest

“Wine is bottled poetry.” ~Robert Louis Stevenson Today we spent most of the day harvesting grapes with our friends the Falconers. They own and operate a beautiful winery and vineyard here in Red Wing. It’s located in an ideal spot for producing grapes that yield some of the yummiest and  most unique wines we’ve ever…

A Movable Feast: Picnic at Falconer Vineyards

“How sweet I roamed from field to field, and tasted all the summer’s pride.” ~William Blake Staycation-Day 7 Falconer Vineyards Today was date day! Jeff and I enjoyed a romantic few hours at Red Wing’s Falconer Vineyards. We made it easy, and instead of spending hours packing a picnic, we brought sub sandwiches to enjoy…

An Evening Out With Jeff and Grace

So far it’s been a great weekend. My older daughter, Andrea is out of town this weekend so Jeff and I took Gracie on ‘date night’ with us. We started out at the new and improved Red Wing Cinema 8 to catch a matinee of The Karate Kid starring Jayden Smith and Jackie Chan. I…

Memorial Weekend Staycation

“Ah, there’s nothing like staying at home for real comfort.” ~Jane Austen We’re just wrapping up another five day staycation, and it was so incredibly relaxing. Lots of delectable meals out, hammock naps, and morning walks when the sun and mist are rising over the bluff… It started on Saturday when we went to our…

Ploughman’s Lunch

Ploughman’s Lunch Jeff and I enjoyed Ploughman’s lunch on the front porch today while it rained. So romantic… Ploughman’s lunch is a cold snack, or small meal much like high tea, the main difference being that ‘high tea‘ usually includes a hearty meat course. Both originated in the UK. Ploughman’s lunch is usually composed of:…

Date Day with Jeff-Cascade Falls Osceola Wisconsin

“Leisure is a form of silence, not noiselessness. It is the silence of contemplation such as occurs when we let our minds rest on a rosebud, a child at play, a divine mystery, or a waterfall.” ~Fulton J. Sheen Cascade Falls, Osceola Wisconsin photo source: Looking for something different to do on Date Day…

Date Night with Jeff-Goin’ to the Chapel

Our good friends Jenny and Mark got married yesterday! We took Gracie to the ceremony because she’d never been to a wedding before. Afterward, Jeff and I took her home and began our date night at the reception. Dear Husband, I cried when Jenny walked down the aisle toward Mark. 15 years of marriage has…

Date Night With Jeff-Dinner and a Movie

“If we are going to pay this much for crab it better sing and dance and introduce us to the Little Mermaid!” Tina Fey playing Claire Foster in the movie Date Night Saturday was date night so we thought it might be fun to go see the movie “Date Night” starring Steve Carell and Tina…