
organic whole lemonade

I took a day to relax and it was awesome. Exactly what I needed to recharge. I got up early, and read my favorite blogs while I sipped a yummy mug of  Grand Keemun tea  with honey and milk, took a stroll downtown Red Wing and did some antique/thrift store shopping where I found some…

bacon jam

There was this whole “bacon jam” frenzy a couple years ago that I completely missed. I planned on buying jars of  this ambrosia for my many bacon-loving friends but that never actually happened. I recently came across a very old post-it to myself  while perusing my blog files that simply said “bacon jam” on it.…

minnesota renaissance festival

A beautiful, sunny day at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival… Live music performance by Bud the Fairy…gypsy dancers…strolling violinists… a waterwheel splashing…wine, beer, creampuffs with strawberries & chocolate, turkey drumsticks, beefstix, tea and scones for teatime… a romantic, renaissance setting…sword fighting…live comedy, dance and juggling…elephants and camels… laughing at the vegetable justice guy (my favorite)…outlandish, wonderful…

cheddar bread

This is a beautifully moist, cheesy bread that is wonderful right out of the oven or toasted. Either way it’s one of my favorite accompaniments to a big bowl of soup! It’s so easy to prepare and will fill your house with the cozy scent of fresh-baked bread. Aromatherapy at it’s very best. 2 and…

victory garden soup

During World War II, “victory” gardens were encouraged as a way to support the troops. When people grew their own vegetables, there were more supplies that could then be sent overseas to the soldiers. This soup is inspired by that era. 4 cups cooked chicken, cut into bite size pieces 1 large onion, chopped fine…

fried pickles

Hello Lovelies! I am done with my second magazine article and I’ve been finding little ways to celebrate all day. A bubble bath…a stroll downtown to a couple thrift shops and antique stores…up to the coffee shop to get a giant iced tea…past the farmer’s market to purchase some pretty flowers for the table…I actually…

confession + easy ramen lunch when you’re too busy to cook

So you know how I usually have something awesome to post? and how I almost always have something interesting/witty to say? (come on…go along with me here.) Welll….some days I eat Jif peanut butter and Welch’s grape jelly sandwiches on white gas station bread with generic ripple potato chips. Yup. It’s true. Other days (while…

sugarplum cherry & browned butter teacup cakes

I had my younger brothers over for coffee today and they each plowed through two of these teacup cakes and made lots of yummy noises…so I believe this passes as one of those “good enough to post on the blog” recipes. hee hee 😉 The browned butter really brings these little cupcakes up a notch,…

wine tasting notes ~ McWilliam’s “Jack’s Blend”

Hello friends! Back from another tearoom photo shoot and dinner at the Olive Garden afterwards. It was a beautiful, exciting day but now I’m really looking forward to a relaxing evening on the deck with my family. Now that we’ve turned the calender page from August to September, I’ll be featuring more red wines! Jack’s…

riverside picnic

We were trying to figure out a good place to go to dinner last night where we could sit outside. There are a few places in Red Wing, but in the end we decided to pack a picnic and head to the riverside. We stopped at the market and picked up a rotisserie chicken, French…