knobby twigs
mossy terracotta pots in neat rows
filled with rich soil
fragrant with life
roots reaching deep towards the planet’s core
somehow sensing the source
green tendrils coiling
filled with chlorophyll
straining with all their might
towards the sun
in the opposite direction
a buzzing batallion
gathering sweet nectar
scattering pollen
the rose geranium
fuzzy leaves fluttering
I rub one between my soil-covered fingers
releasing the scent
of something beautiful
and secret
I line a buttered cake pan
with their hand-shaped leaves
I pour batter over them
and as I do
I realize they’re not hands at all
but stars
like the stars above
whispering our fate
~Melissa Placzek 2011
I like it! When the buttered cake pan and the batter enter the scene, the shift seems shocking, like life can do sometimes. And the last lines, as if you are telling these flowers their destiny. I don’t know if you meant it that way, but there’s my interpretation. Thought-provoking, as always. 🙂
thanks so much! I’m glad you like it. I think that’s cool that you interpreted the last lines that way. When I wrote them it was more about how there is a little bit of nature in everything telling *us* our destiny if we take the time to listen. The star-shaped leaves in the pan are closer than the stars in the sky…more accessible. 🙂
Love it! I didn’t have an interpretation, I just loved the images swirling in the vast emptiness I call my noggin. 🙂 Just kidding. I really didn’t interpret anything, it’s before noon and I’ve only had one small cuppa, so I’m just going to enjoy the little pictures in my head. 🙂
thanks for the positive feedback, I’m kind of rusty still…it had been quite awhile since I’d written poems. “Love Letter,” “Pool,” and “Garden” were my first attempts in about 20 years.
Love it!!!!
Thanks so much for saying so Kimber!
Love it! I have not written a poem in so long and this is so lovely. Yearning for the garden.
Thanks so much. I’m still a little rusty. Been toying with publishing something…we’ll see 🙂 Feel free to share this with anyone and everyone.:) xoxo