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Scenes From a Minnesota Winter…Home Made Bread & Veggie Soup

I have the house to myself today! After many days of the hubby working from his home office and kids home for teacher work days, snow days and Presidents day, I feel so fragmented. I need to do something meditative and centering…baking bread sounds just about perfect. I think I’ll get that started and do some writing as the dough rises and bakes.

This photo was taken a couple years back. It was the first time Gracie ever helped me bake bread. We made soup that day too. What a fun day with my daughter.


I remember how she excitedly showed me a sweet little book she had taken out of her school library called “Growing Vegetable Soup” by Lois Ehlert. After reading it we noticed a recipe at the end for vegetable soup so we decided to make some and ran out to get the ingredients. The only other time I saw the kid so excited about vegetables was after we watched the movie “Ratatouille.” 🙂


Have a beautiful day,



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  1. Funny, I have two sons. The first one LOVED vegetables; the second, well he would eat corn and caesar salad. We really enjoyed a picture book that was called When Vegetables Go Bad although I’d say it had NO impact on the vegetable consumption of either of my sons. You might check that one out.

    I can definitely understand being excited about food after watching Ratatouille. Heck, I can smell the food cooking in that movie. My favorite scene is the soup.It looks and smells so good!

    My review of Disney’s Ratatouille Movie Food & Blu-ray Review is at http://www.squidoo.com/ratatouille-movie-food . You might enjoy it, too.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thanks for the response! I agree completely, the food in Ratatouille made me hungry too. Julie and Julia has caused quite a stir in our house too. My daughter actually said she’d try fish, although I don’t know if we’re actually making progress if the fish has to be drenched in butter! 🙂 I’ll definitely check out the link you sent.


  2. Hee hee…I figured you’d get the play on words…I just have to say I LOVE your blog! Care to “guest blog” on Chindeep sometime? I’d love some good movie review content 🙂