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Flower Garden Scarves for Friends

“How could it be that any knitter could have anything of value to say to crocheters? Didn’t I know that knitters and crocheters are like Sharks and Jets- They don’t get along, they keep off each other’s turf, they break into fights on the playground? Yes, I know, I know.  But have Tony and Maria taught you nothing? Can’t we see that we’re all sisters (and brothers) under the stitch? Sure, I’m a knitter. But I also crochet.” ~Debbie Stoller



Sorry it took me so long to post my last ‘Valentine Treat’….My sweet husband took me on a date…dinner and a movie! He gave me a dozen of my favorite Karen Roses. The same roses I carried along with English ivy, button mums, and freesia in a 30 lb bouquet of flowers on our wedding day. What a romantic boy. 🙂

Well, anyhoo,  I knit and I crochet too. I also sew, do needlepoint, redwork, and weave on a loom. I love almost all of the fiber arts. When I was little you could find me doing macrame, cross stitch and hideous latch hook rugs! I know. Silly. But I learned a lot. I’ve been knitting since I was fourteen when my aunt Bobbie taught me. (So, over twenty years.)  I’ve only been crocheting for a few years. Funny story, I learned from instructional videos on YouTube. What an amazing resource. I find crocheting to be much easier than knitting even though I’ve only been doing it a short time. If you’re a knitter, give it a try. The pretty, frilly stitches are almost instant gratification.

I found this beeeeaaauuuutiful scarf pattern on page 96 in my favorite crocheting book, The Happy Hooker, by Debbie Stoller. She writes the BEST instructional knitting and crocheting books. Her book, Stitch ‘n Bitch, is what I refer to as the knitting ‘bible’ and where I direct my many friends who are new knitters. Innocent, unsuspecting friends who I slyly reel in by giving them a skein of  thick-n-quick, Wool Ease yarn and a set of size 15 BOYE knitting needles as part of a gift… hee hee… Hi Dana! 🙂 Dana is knitting her first scarf! I’m so proud of her.

Gracie is modeling the flower garden scarf which was crocheted from a partial cashmere blend yarn (Jade Sapphire) in ‘hot pink,’ ‘light pink,’ and ‘ brown.’ This would be the perfect scarf to make for your best girlfriends for Valentine’s Day. I made this in about 3 hours. Grace is also wearing a beanie hat I made out of simple, flecked, worsted-weight yarn (I think it’s called ‘Black Fleck’ by Red Heart). Please send me pictures of your knitting and crocheting creations! I’m always looking for inspiration. Love you yarn goddesses!


Happy Valentine’s Day!


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