Product Review

ChinDeep Sponsor ~ Tea For All Reasons Tea Company

Today I’d like to introduce and welcome ChinDeep Sponsor, Tea For All Reasons Tea Company. In Marsha’s Words: “Years as an Army brat and Navy wife brought many opportunities for traveling and living in wonderful foreign lands, one of which was England.  It was there I learned the proper preparation and service of tea, for…

ham salad tea sandwiches with fig butter

It’s so great when a recipe just comes together the way you want it to. These little tea sandwiches turned out perfect. Just the right amount of everything to equal a great tea treat. These were good with my iced Grand Keemun, but I imagine they would be wonderful with just about any good quality…

a six senses post

seeing ~ beautiful, fresh flowers growing all over Red Wing, spilling from the many gardens and hanging baskets that adorn our pretty town…lovely stalls of baked goods, flowers, jams, jellies, pickles, and other delights at the Red Wing Farmer’s Market…best friends…THIS BOOK…antiques and thrift store finds…ferns, herbs, lilies and hostas flourishing after all of the…

scenes from the last couple weeks

sipping THIS TEA roasting THESE POTATOES pouring THIS NA MULLED CIDER for Gracie & Olivia nibbling THIS CHEESE and THIS CHEESE with baguette, vino, olives, pickles & crudite continuing to write my book… toasting country-style bread and frying up mushrooms for THIS CROSTINI wearing THIS PERFUME smelling THIS AWESOME CANDLE SCENT enjoying B&N chai tea…

chocolate fondue

Hello Friends! Happy Sunday. We made yet another fun-filled trip to Menards to get some stuff for working on the house and painting. I do not love this part of the process. I will be happy to have everything done. It really has been a wonderful weekend so far though. My daughter Andrea came into…

carrot cake paradiso

It stormed here a couple days ago. The kind of dreamy snow storm with the huge, puffy snowflakes. I have been dreaming about the beach lately, sort of wishing we were planning some exotic, warm, tropical escape…but there’s something awesome about getting snowed in too. When the snowflakes start to fall, and they call off…

a six senses post ~ scenes from my week

smelling ~ rich, chocolaty espresso, tomatoey soup simmering, italian food, garlic roasting, THIS PERFUME seeing ~ snow gently falling in perfect puffy flakes… I caught some on my mitten today and looked closely…such amazing detail…fireplace blazing, amber candles glowing, vintage valentines and decor finally up and embellishing our rooms with romance, silly sweet fuzzy wuzzy…