a six senses post
seeing ~ beautiful, fresh flowers growing all over Red Wing, spilling from the many gardens and hanging baskets that adorn our pretty town…lovely stalls of baked goods, flowers, jams, jellies, pickles, and other delights at the Red Wing Farmer’s Market…best friends…THIS BOOK…antiques and thrift store finds…ferns, herbs, lilies and hostas flourishing after all of the rain we’ve seen these past few weeks…the view of Red Wing, the river and Barn Bluff from the shores of a little restaurant in Wisconsin
tasting ~ new teas to sample and review, yummy food treats from Trader Joe’s (so far we’ve really enjoyed the black sea salt caramel chocolate bar, the “21 Spice Salute,” the amazing steak sauce, the Dijon mustard with white wine, and the sweet & spicy chili sauce), all sorts of different kinds of iced sun tea, fresh herbs from our garden, toast and jam, Dirty Banana cocktails and THIS DRINK, fruity olive oil and B&B Sourdough bread from Hanisch Bakery.
smelling ~ rain, fresh cut grass, bakery bread, flowers, herbs, lemons, tea, coffee, morning air, fried fish…
feeling ~ yarn and/or embroidery thread in my hands most evenings…such a nice way to unwind and relax…
hearing ~ birds, trains, church bells, the breeze through our big oak trees…and THIS ALBUM on repeat…
knowing ~ that we’re looking forward to a very relaxing and fun-filled summer
Beautiful, beautiful photos. (Your daughter is adorable.) Your life looks wonderful! Enjoy the summer…
Hello there, Becks! thanks so much for stopping by and for the sweet, sweet comments 🙂 I so appreciate you. I hope you have a beautiful summer too, my friend. Love ~M