Wall Drug Vanilla Pudding Caramel Rolls

I’ve bookmarked several Wall Drug recipes that I want to share with you. This one is an oldie, and a goodie. I should give you a heads up, they’re terribly addictive. Especially when they’re just out of the oven and cool enough to eat. Make sure you have more people than just yourself in the kitchen when this happens so you don’t devour the entire pan all by yourself. I’m not saying I’ve ever done this. 🙂 I sent 4 of these home with my daughter to share with her girls and she ate them all by herself with zero regrets. I’m just letting you know what you’re getting yourself into with these rolls. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Not only are these one of the best things I’ve ever eaten, they’re very easy to prepare. You get a head start by using two loaves of frozen bread dough. I use Rhode’s but you can use your favorite.
2 loaves frozen bread dough (I used Rhode’s)
1/2 cup butter (I used organic Earth Balance)
1 cup brown sugar
1 (6 oz.) box cook and serve vanilla pudding mix
2 Tablespoons milk (I used Ripple)
1/2 to 1 teaspoon cinnamon
Thaw the bread dough, but don’t let it rise. Generously butter a 9X13 baking pan. Cut or tear one loaf into pieces (I use a knife and cut the pieces into uniform, 2 inch chunks.) Drop randomly into bottom of pan. Melt the butter and add the remaining ingredients to the butter. Beat smooth using a wire whisk. Pour evenly over the bread pieces in pan. Cut or tear the second loaf and add these to the pan, filling in the empty spots. Allow to rise 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours. Bake at 375 degrees F. for 30 to 40 minutes or until deep golden brown and puffed up. If the bread begins to brown too quickly, loosely place a sheet of aluminum foil over the pan so it can continue to cook all the way through without burning. You want to keep it in the oven the full duration of the baking time so it doesn’t end up raw and doughy in the middle.
Once it’s done baking, remove from oven. Cool, and then turn out onto a wax-paper covered counter top.
Make a big pot of coffee or tea to enjoy with your rolls while they cool.
one box of cook and serve pudding does that me instant pudding?
Hi Sharyn,
No, cook and serve pudding is different than instant.