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lake harriet gardens + mother’s day 2020

Just thought I’d pop in and share some scenes from Mother’s Day 2020. Even with all the weirdness this year, my husband, daughters, friends, and grandgirls made sure I had a good day and that means so much to me.

Flowers, in garden and bouquet form, were the theme this year as they are most years. I will be heading out to the local garden center soon to choose my herb and annual plants. I was thinking raised gardens might be a good idea since our back yard is a construction zone. We had a giant oak tree that fell a few years ago and it smashed our garage. So now we have neither oak tree nor garage. It’s bare and boring and it makes me kind of sad, but at the same time I can see the opportunity for something new and exciting… starting with sod. lol

We had a lovely BBQ at my daughter Andie’s house. Her and her boyfriend (who are now both vegan! yay!) made Beyond Burgers, Beyond Bratwurst, potato salad, beans, salad, and all sorts of other stuff. SO delicious. I loved just seeing everyone and enjoying the sunny day on the deck.

On another day we enjoyed a picnic at Lake Harriet. We sat in a grove of blossoming apple trees and took a little hike around the grounds. Everything is in bloom and gorgeous! When we returned home we watched one of my all time favorite Wes Anderson movies, Moonrise Kingdom. I can’t say enough good things about his movies. If you haven’t watched them you HAVE to. Come back and let me know what you think.

Long story short, I got to hang out with my favorite people for the holiday. I’m blessed.

Jeff gave me a pendant for a necklace that will be the logo for my new blog and I didn’t share it yet, but will once the vegan blog is up and running. I am SO excited to start this new venture. I do hope you’ll all visit me once it’s in full swing. I’ll let you know when it is and provide plenty of links.

What was your Mother’s Day like this year? Hope it was awesome.

PS… my daughter Andie got me the Daiya strawberry cheesecake and it was SO good. I want to try the chocolate and key lime flavors when I get a chance.

PPS…. Grace did the Ponyo illustration for me. She did a perfect job on that. I’m going to incorporate this image into a tattoo.



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