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garden wedding cake ~ red velvet with cream cheese frosting + white almond cupcakes



Hello, Lovelies! I’ve gotten an overwhelming amount of emails regarding this little wedding cake, asking what recipe I used and how I put it together. Thanks so much for the interest. Here’s what I did:

I used THIS RECIPE FROM SMITTEN KITCHEN for the red velvet cake and cream cheese frosting. The recipe for the cake makes enough for the IKEA SOCKERKAKA cake pan mold that I used…and about 15 cupcakes (give or take a few.) I doubled the cream cheese frosting recipe to equal approximately 6 cups of frosting. You’ll have a little left over for another use, but it’s definitely better to have too much frosting than too little.

For the White Almond Cupcakes I just bought a Pillsbury Cake mix and added 2 teaspoons of almond extract in place of some of the water called for. I used the cream cheese frosting for the main cake and these cupcakes.

I purchased the cupcake sleeves from THIS ONLINE PARTY STORE.

I ordered the Crystallized FLOWERS from The Crystallized Flower Company

I used THIS “PETAL FROSTING” TECHNIQUE to frost the main cake.

Keep the frosting very cool while frosting the cake. You may have to put the frosting and the cake in the refrigerator a few times during the process so everything doesn’t melt while you’re working on the cake.

I hope this answers all of your questions.

Have fun creating!



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    1. My pleasure, Marsha! It was VERY easy, and I think it turned out pretty good. There are professional frosting mixes you can buy that hold up a bit better than cream cheese frosting…but nothing beats the flavor of homemade cream cheese frosting and homemade buttercream, in my opinion. You really have to keep it cold, and chilling the cake a few times in the middle of frosting is a bit of a hassle. enjoy! <3

  1. Melissa, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now, and I LOVE your recipes and ideas! I appreciate this one especially because I’m planning a surprise birthday party in April for a dear friend. (She’s one of those uber detail-oriented types that creates over-the-top amazingness for everyone else’s celebrations. The things she created for my bridal shower still take my breath away, and I’ve been hoping for a chance to return the favor for her!) This is absolutely beautiful, and it’s inspired a Spring Garden theme for the party – just what we need after our ridiculously long, cold Minnesota winter! Thanks so much for sharing! I can’t wait to make this!

    1. Hi Michele! I’m so pleased you like the cake 🙂 thanks so much for stopping by to comment! enjoy. XO ~Melissa

  2. I tried to open the site for the beautiful flowers and they have closed the site.
    Any comment on that and do you have another way to get in touch with them?

    1. Hi Sharon,

      Unfortunately my friend Karen (the owner of The Crystallized Flower Company) just announced that she’s stepping away from her business due to illness.

      Thanks for stopping by,

      1. So sorry to hear that….
        Does she have a person that she can recommend in her place in this field?

          1. Thank you for the contact. I looked at their work and it is nice but does not compare to her work.
            Tell her I hope she will be well…