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classic caesar salad


Tonight we’re frying up some fresh trout that our friend Dave brought us an hour ago. Him and his new wifey decided to go fishing on the first day of their honeymoon and shared their catch. What great people. Always bringing us awesome things to eat. I think I’ll make some hush puppies to go with the fish…and the simple salad you see above. Classic yumminess.  We’re enjoying farmer’s market treasures and fresh herbs from our garden on a daily basis too! Don’t ya just love summer?

Yesterday we met a fellow at our friends’ wedding that has 8 acres of farm land and a degree from Le Cordon Bleu. He lives a few miles from us. We became instant friends, chatting about all things food, exchanging business cards and recipes. I love when foodies meet and talk about obscure and not-so-obscure ingredients. I told him about my morel mushroom treasure hunt and was answered with enthusiastic nods and laughing. Awwww, food geeks are kick ass.  He has dreams of doing a farm to table restaurant on his property and I think I might go out and help him get started. Serendipity, yes?

Well…I’m headed out to the kitchen to make some magic in the form of Caesar Salad. This is such an easy recipe, but so MANY restaurants get it wrong. The key to a great Caesar is simple… remove core from head of Romaine lettuce. Rinse your Romaine leaves (a whole head)  in hot water. Place them in a stainless steel bowl with a paper towel draped over them and place bowl in fridge for about an hour. Remove just prior to assembling your salad. Tear (don’t chop) leaves into bite sized pieces (you can remove the “ribs” from the leaves if they bother you, but personally I love the added crunch they impart.) Place torn leaves in a big salad bowl and toss with the following ingredients:

1 can black, pitted olives, chopped

1/2 cup to 1 cup fresh grated parmesan

a bunch of really good croutons (your favorite)

fresh, homemade Caesar dressing (to taste)

coarse sea salt (to taste)

freshly ground black pepper (to taste)

anchovy fillets (definitely optional)

Toss well. Serve with your favorite grilled fare. Caesar salad always screams steak to me. Ribeyes or Porter House in particular.




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