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brown sugar polish kielbasa with apples & onions

I’ve been making a summer list and checking it twice, trying to get everything in before the first day of school. We have a little vacation planned, a trip to the Minneapolis Institute of Art to see the Rembrandt exhibit, reservations at a restaurant in the “big city” on the same evening, an entire day at the Minnesota State Fair, beach and bluff-top picnics, bonfires, tickets to see a few old movies at the Sheldon theater, kite flying dates, canoing and fishing trips…I wonder how we’ll fit it all in? Hopefully summer runs way into September.

Making a summer list started a couple days ago when I started craving what I consider to be autumn fare on a 90 degree day. I saw the edges of the sumac on the side of the highway edged in brilliant red. So red they looked like they were burning from within. And, of course, when you start hearing ads for the fair and Renaissance festival on the radio…you know it won’t be long and you’ll be shoveling snow from your front walkway and planning your Thanksgiving menu.

Anyhoo, here’s a great dish to make for high tea. It works for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Absolutely wonderful in the morning with Scotch eggs and coffee…or later in the day with sauerkraut, german potato salad and a salad made of bitter greens topped with a simple balsamic vinaigrette.

serves 4-6

14 oz. polska kielbasa sausage

2 large onions, sliced thick

2 granny smith apples, cut into thick slices

2 Tablespoons butter

1/3 cup brown sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon paprika

1 Tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley

salt and pepper to taste

fresh sage and thyme

Heat butter in a large skillet. When hot, add the onions and apples and cook on low for 5-10 minutes until slightly caramelized. Add the rest of the ingredients, except for the thyme and sage, stirring to evenly combine. Cover and continue to cook on low for about 15 minutes, or until everything is heated through and the brown sugar has formed a syrupy glaze. Plate and garnish with the fresh herbs.



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    1. Hello Marie! Thanks for stopping by 🙂 I’m so happy you like the recipe. It’s easy and delicious. Enjoy!

      1. Hi Leah,
        I’ve never made this in the Crock Pot because it’s SO easy and fast to do on the stove top… plus, I fear the ingredients would brown and caramelize if you tried this in the slow cooker.

      2. I made it in an Instant Pot for a gathering at my house. First I sautéed it in the Instant Pot and then I added the rest of the ingredients (except for the salt, pepper, sage and thyme) and cooked it as the poultry option for 20 minutes. Added remaining ingredients at the end. I made it in the Instant Pot so that it wouldn’t need to be reheated when the group was ready to eat. Everyone loved it! I wish I made more. It was the only thing we ran out of!

  1. I appreciate having a kielbasa recipe that *doesn’t* include sauerkraut which is so hard on many tummies! I look forward to trying this one!

  2. Looks great! Definitely trying it out tonight! I was wondering if you tried it in the crock pot and if so, how would you prepare it? Thanks!

    1. Hi Marisa 🙂 I’ve never personally tried making this in the crock pot. I think it would work, but you might end up with a slightly more watery sauce. If I did it I think I’d cook it on high for 3 to 4 hours in the crock, or just until the kielbasa is heated through. Enjoy, and let me know how it goes! XO

  3. It sounds lovely! I don’t know where I could purchase the polska kielbasa sausage in the UK. Could I use some small cooked chorizo sausages instead?

  4. This was delicious! I made it with turkey kielbsa and dried herbs since I didn’t have fresh. Still, it was amazing.

  5. I was looking for a kilbasa recipe for thanksgiving. It’s just me an my husband – and this looks like the winner. So excited for a non potatoe kilbasa recipe. Thanks so much!!