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5 minute paleo mug bread


Here’s a piece of good news for my Paleo friends! Bread you can make in 5 minutes! Yes, 5 minutes! You read that correctly! Are you excited? This is so easy and delicious. Gracie spreads homemade almond butter on slices of this for her school lunches. It’s also wonderful warmed a little and served with a dab of organic, grass-fed, butter and a drizzle of melted raw honey. I love to give everyone their own little loaf when we have soup for dinner! I think you’re going to love this.

for 1 mini loaf of Paleo mug bread:

1/3 cup coconut flour

1 Tablespoon tapioca starch

1 Tablespoon flax meal

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

pinch of sea salt

1 large egg, lightly beaten

2 Tablespoons melted coconut oil + more for greasing mug

1/4 cup unsweetened, plain almond milk

Mix all above ingredients in a small bowl, using a fork (dough will be very thick.) Grease a microwave-safe mug with coconut oil. Moosh the dough into the mug. Smooth the top of the dough. Place in microwave and cook for 2 to 3 minutes, or until you can see that the loaf is pulling from the sides of the mug a bit and that the loaf is completely set. Cool in mug for 1 to 2 minutes. Pop out of mug. If the outsides of the loaf still seem moist, just put the loaf on a little plate and cook it in the microwave for another 20 to 30 seconds. Cool a bit before slicing and serving with desired toppings.



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  1. THIS WAS AWESOME!!!, so easy & yummy! I was wondering(since I’m new to cooking at 49!!) have you made this in a bigger bread recipe? I asked my hubby & he didn’t think I could just triple it & it be as good? THANKS IN ADVANCE!!

  2. What did I do wrong? All ingredients are new, except for the baking power ( which I tested for viability). The only difference was using soy milk instead of almond.

    It mixed up fairly dry, never rose, and came out half the depth of the mug. Dry & dense.

    Any ideas?