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pork chops with apples & kraut

Another easy Dutch oven meal for you and your family to enjoy…

~pork chops with apples & kraut~


8 pork chops

3 Tablespoons olive oil

1/4 cup white wine

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

2 medium onions, peeled, sliced

1 large clove garlic, minced

4 large carrots, cut into sticks

2 apples, unpeeled, chopped

27 oz. can saurkraut, drained well

1 and 1/2 cups chicken stock or broth

1/4 cup brown sugar

2 teaspoons celery seed or fennel

1 teaspoon paprika

1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

Heat olive oil in Dutch oven.

Brown pork for a couple minutes on each side.

Remove chops from oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Deglaze pan with the wine.

Add onions to pot. Allow to reduce and caramelize a bit.

Add garlic. Cook 1 minute.

Add apples, kraut, brown sugar, stock and spices.

Stir to combine.

Add the carrots

and finally, bury the browned chops in the kraut mixture

and sprinkle with a little more salt and pepper.

Cover and place on middle rack of oven.

Cook for 1  to 2 hours on 275 or until meat thermometer reaches 170 degrees F.

Enjoy with fresh bread or potatoes.


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  1. It is a Melissa original. It turned out so yummy. Add baby potatoes to the pot if you wish. I had made some delicious bread the same day so decided to have that instead of potatoes. Enjoy 😉

  2. Wow, with potatoes or crusty bread sounds awesome. reminds me of a trip to kiel germany. mmmmm. i’ve been playing with cacbbage and my crockpot, and this will give me one other thing to try! thanks!!

  3. mmm well that is definitely one opportunity the navy gave me. i spent 2 months in france, 1 in paris, 1 in grenoble. spent 2 weeks in kiel germany, many weeks in jebel ali (UAE), and have visited: england, scotland, belgium, norway, sweden, russia, australia, osaka japan, hong kong, singapore, dubai and hawaii. i’ve been on vacation to mexico, various parts of canada and dominican republic.

    when in grenoble, i studied french, and had weekend adventures with the universite social club. wonderful trips to chamonix alps, tiny churches and villages in the middle of nowhere, lacs du laffrey and monaco.

    now i just need NEED to see spain, portugal, italy, some greek isles and cyprus.

  4. not trying to sound braggy, it was military travel. but much of it allowed me to meet locals and enjoy the cuisine or scenes of what that country had to offer. i thank God for my opportunity to serve my country and have such wonderful experiences all at once. granted it sucked at the same time… but IMO utopia doesn’t exist, so you have to have some ugly with the beautiful!

  5. wow! you don’t sound braggy at all…that is very cool that you got to experience these places! It sounds like your “to do” travel list is a lot like mine. I want to go to (in this order) Italy, France, Greece, Japan, Iceland, India, Switzerland, Ireland, Portugal…oh, and pretty much everywhere else too. 🙂

  6. well, portugal and spain for me come from reading ‘the sun also rises’ by hemingway. i want to BE him in that book! so romantic! to me anyway. cyprus is because of the cats i’ve heard roam the island. again, romantic. iceland sounds cool too. my parents went to india on a tour group and said it was like slum dog millionaire. enuf for me, although the taj mahal would be cool to see.

  7. OH WOW Maria, you’ve been so many places!! I would love to hear stories and see pictures! How exciting and interesting, even if it was only days in some places…

    And Leisa, another great recipe! I make something similar but I imagine your recipe is far better than mine!