Hello lovelies!
I just wanted to write a quick note to all of you who’ve been sending emails regarding the photography on the ChinDeep blog. The photographs that have my name under them were all taken by me and posted to the blog recently. Eventually I’ll go back and put my name under each picture that I’ve taken.
I’ve gone back to the beginning of the blog entries and posted pictures where there were none. I’m still working on this arduous task, but most of the blogs have pictures now.
The pictures that have captions on them (like the Pommes Frites picture, and the Boeuf Borguignon picture for example) were taken and edited by my husband. Almost every other picture was taken and edited by me. I’m having fun learning all about photography and photo editing! What an adventure, who knew?
Hope this answers your questions! A few of you asked about the kinds of cameras and photo-editing software we use and I’ve sent you private emails answering this 😉