six senses saturday ~ scenes from the last week
seeing ~ fall and halloween decorations, cute costumes, piles of new books and yarn, house details while deciding on new themes and color schemes for our rooms
tasting ~ skyline chili, reeses peanut butter cups and spiced cider
feeling ~ the chilly autumn air while trick-or-treating with Gracie
hearing ~ kids screaming and laughing at the neighborhood haunted houses
smelling ~ tea, woodsmoke, chili cooking, cider spices simmering, and chocolate
knowing ~ “Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” ~Lauren De Stefano
I hope you all had a lovely week!
Beautiful! It looks like you live in a great neighborhood. And Fall is absolutely my favorite time of year–I’m a curl up inside with a soft blankie, a good book and a hot drink kind of girl! Have a great next week!
Thanks so much for stopping by to comment, Rebecca! I like your plan 🙂 you have a great week too sweetie! Happy birthday!
Always love your pictures…. and love your quote on the knowing. Fall is my favorite time of year… Love the beauty of the colours and now will think it as the grand finale! Have a great week Melissa.
Hello Marlys! thanks for the wonderful compliments. 🙂 so pleased you enjoy my photos and posts. xoxo