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six senses saturday ~ snuggling in

feeling ~ yarn, the warmth of my fireplace and quilts… (find the free dress pattern I used and adapted HERE)

seeing ~ kitties napping, a pile of thrift store books waiting to be read

tasting ~ soft boiled eggs on buttery garlic toast with my morning tea…one of my absolute favorite breakfasts

smelling ~ pumpkin spice sandalwood candles and cinnamony chai tea with milk and honey

hearing ~ acorns plunk, plunk, plunking on our roof

knowing ~ a little R&R will prime the pump of inspiration so I can get back to my writing and art

What are you up to today my friends?


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  1. Wishing I knew how you keep your house so lovely and your life so peaceful. With three “dominant type” naturally clutter-y men in my life, I yearn for lovely, gentle decor, always relatively tidy, and the option of peace and quiet. I’ve also always wished I possessed natural artistic ability. But I certainly enjoy the peace-by-proxy in your blog posts. <3

    1. Aw, well… it certainly isn’t stress free and peaceful every day. And sometimes I just take photos of the clean corners of the house 😉 I certainly am pleased that you feel peaceful when you visit and read my posts though. Thats the idea. XO and thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment.

  2. Ahhh, that was pretty, pretty, pretty. I love soft-boiled eggs–reminds me of my childhood. Never tried them on toast, where have I been?:) But I do DIP the toast in my egg. 🙂 I have Little Bee on my nightstand, but haven’t opened it yet. Looking forward to it! Looks like a perfect kinda day to me. Thank you for sharing your snuggling in time!

    1. Hi Danielle 🙂 thanks for visiting my blog! yeah…gotta love those soft boiled eggs…and this time of year in general. XOXO