fall festival of the arts

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My journal entry from yesterday:

We’ve been enjoying beautiful weather in the Mississippi River valley these past couple weeks. Sunny with temperatures in the 70s and 80s. The perfect opportunity to get outside, go for bike rides, take photographs, go for little trips on the Wisconsin’s Great River Road, write, paint, pack picnics, visit apple orchards and wineries, listen to beautiful live music, bake with apples (and pumpkins and squash…oh my!) and grill as many meals as we can over charcoal before winter’s chill sets in.

My garden, however, has taken a turn for the worse. I must confess, I haven’t been tending it as I should. When we took our last little out of town excursion to the North Shore I forgot to have my daughter Andrea come over and water it as I should. So, yeah. Fried herbs anyone? I’m a plant murderer. The only reason I bring this up is I was reminded of my current shortcomings as a gardener when I stepped over one of the plant corpses this afternoon as we were leaving for the art festival. Poor dehydrated dear. How is your garden holding up? Still trying to get rid of that zucchini? 😉

 The fall festival was wonderful, per usual. We had a gorgeous day for it. I didn’t take any pictures of actual art because there were little signs posted everywhere telling me NOT to. Boo. So, instead of people art, I took pictures of nature art. Leaves and butterflies and whatnot.

Gracie and Jeff insisted on stopping in at Hanisch, the little downtown bakery, for maple bacon doughnuts. I was still stuffed from the huge mushroom crostini breakfast from this morning, so I just had an Arnie Palmer. Lemony iced tea deliciousness!

We strolled and listened to church bells, a brass band, a piano player and a hammered dulcimer. We looked at art, walked by the river, and went out to dinner. It really was a lovely day.

PS. I bought more yarn, started a new knitting project, reread Rosamunde Pilcher’s The Shell Seekers (the book I read on our autumn honeymoon,) and cornstalks have replaced the hundreds of flower baskets that were hanging from the street lamps in our pretty downtown. It would appear that fall has officially arrived.

How did you spend the weekend?


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