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six senses saturday ~ misty fall day and scenes from the past week

tasting ~ white chai tea, apple crisp and caramel ice cream, salad, toast and jam and crustless broccoli cheese tearoom quiche…all at a lovely cottage tea lunch that my friend Bonnie hosted this past week…. lots of portobello mushrooms bubbling in a coffee-wine gravy while THIS roast simmered in the oven… tangy-sweet strawberry rhubarb jam on buttery French bread for my teatime, made by the always fantastic Maria Denise Davis! (order her amazing jams HERE!)

seeing ~ Sorin’s bluff past peak under a shroud of mist, the new cute storefront of Bev’s cafe…one of our favorite breakfast hangouts, art at the annual Red Wing Fall Festival of the Arts, woolen clogs in damp autumn leaves, the russet, tawny color palette of fall everywhere I look…

hearing ~dice in the boggle shaker…church bells…and  an eclectic mix on my iPod…Regina Spektor “What We Saw From the Cheap Seats,” Bon Iver, The Avett Brothers, Mumford & Sons, Missy Higgins, Norah Jones, Alexi Murdoch, and MUSE…

smelling ~ doughnuts frying, gyros at the gyro stand, rain, woodsmoke, wet leaves, and a smoky cup of Hei Cha tea by TeaSource.

feeling ~ happy

knowing ~
“There’ll always be serendipity involved in discovery.” ~ Jeff Bezos

I hope you’re all having a great weekend!



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  1. Looks like a beautiful Fall where you are! When you and The Vintage Table start selling prints, I’ll redecorate my house!