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pick-a-berry cobbler

~pick-a-berry cobbler~

My friend Cami posted this recipe yesterday and I ran up to the farmer’s market to get the ingredients so I could make it. Cami says to use whatever berries you like, so we used strawberries. The main fruit in this cobbler is rhubarb, but I bet it would work with just about any fruit. We enjoyed this for our date night dessert. It’s the perfect balance of tart and sweet, and a little drizzle of honey over the top made it heavenly. Enjoy a la mode, with a dollop of fresh whipped cream or creme fraiche.

To make:

In a saucepan, combine:

3/4 cup sugar

2 Tablespoons cornstarch

3 cups chopped rhubarb

1 cup of your favorite berries

1 Tablespoon water

Heat to boiling. Cook for a minute or two until thickened.

Spread in a pie plate

In a medium bowl, combine:

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 Tablespoon sugar

1 and 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup butter, softened

Mix to form course crumbs.

Make a well in the crumb mixture.

Crack an egg into the center

and pour 1/4 cup milk in with egg.

Beat egg and milk.

Combine all ingredients in bowl until incorporated.

Drop by spoonfuls over fruit

and sprinkle 2 Tablespoons sugar over top

Bake at 400 degrees F. for 20-30 minutes

until crisp and golden brown.


Top with whipped cream, creme fraiche or ice cream…

drizzle a little honey over the top…


Thanks for the recipe Cami!


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  1. What do you do cook a little, take a photo, mix a little, take a photo, etc., then take a final photo and eat? LOL…I love it <3 My friend. Well, I guess if you have a blog or looking at a doing a cookbook this is what you would do. I just cook and eat. No time for photos…Lucky I get photos to go with my P-B articles.

    1. I’m sort of addicted to taking photos now that I’m getting the hang of it. It is kind of crazy sometimes when do a post like this one, but it’s fun too! And I learn so much. Yes, it is all sort of training for the cookbook/tea book…just wait until you see those though! These little blog pictures are snapshots in comparison. 😉


  2. Awesome! I love the pictures that go along with the recipe, they’re so pretty!! I’m glad you enjoyed it, it looks fabulous!!

  3. Growing both rhubarb & strawberries – can’t wait to try this too!!!! (but like Sandy, I’m not taking pictures. LOL)