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Bebop-a-Reebop Rhubarb Pie

“Other original “sponsors” have included Bebop-a-reebop Rhubarb Pie and Bebop-a-reebop Frozen Rhubarb Pie Filling (‘One little thing can revive a guy, And that is some homemade rhubarb pie; Serve it up, nice and hot; Maybe things aren’t as bad as you thought.’)” ~Garrison Keillor A Prairie Home Companion


After walking up to the car show on Father’s Day we made sure to go home by way of the Red Wing Farmer’s Market. We picked up a couple bunches of fresh rhubarb and two pints of the sweetest little strawberries you can buy! The next day Gracie helped me make this gorgeous, yummy, strawberry rhubarb pie. It turned out beautifully.

Leisa’s Perfect Piecrust:

8 0z. real cream cheese (don’t use lowfat)

2 sticks butter (no substitutes)

2 cups all purpose flour

2 Tablespoons sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

Combine cream cheese and butter in the bowl of a tabletop mixer on low speed. Add flour, sugar, and salt and mix until the dough clumps together. Divide the dough into two thick discs, one slightly bigger than the other. Wrap in plastic wrap or waxed paper. Refrigerate for an hour. If refrigerated for longer than an hour, allow dough to stand at room temperature for 10 minutes before rolling out.


4 cups fresh rhubarb, washed and cut into 1/2 inch pieces

2 cups fresh strawberries, washed and quartered

1 cup sugar

1/3 cup all purpose flour

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract (top quality Mexican vanilla is best)

grated zest of one lemon

1 large egg white lightly beaten with 1 teaspoon water

Fresh, sweetened whipped cream for topping

Putting it all together:

Position a rack in the center of your oven and preheat to 400 degrees F.

On a lightly floured surface, roll out the larger disc of dough into a 1/8-inch thick circle. Fold in half and carefully place in a 9 inch pie pan. Unfold and fit into pan. Refrigerate while combining your pie filling.

Toss rhubarb, strawberries, sugar, flour, vanilla, and lemon zest. Allow to stand at room temperature  for 15 minutes. Pour into prepared pie shell.

Roll the second disc of dough into a 1/8 inch thick circle. Using a pizza cutter, cut dough into 3/4 inch wide strips. Arrange in a lattice pattern. Fold the edges of the bottom crust over the ends of the pastry strips and flute the edges. Brush lattice strips with egg white mixture. Sprinkle an additional Tablespoon of sugar over the top of the pie. Place pie on a baking sheet.

Bake for 10 minutes at 400 degrees F. Lower temperature to 350 degrees F. Bake an additional 45-60 minutes or until the juices in the center of the pie are bubbling. Transfer to a wire rack and cool completely before cutting. Top with fresh whipped cream.



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  1. Rhubarb is my favorite fruit pie and your crust sounds like I HAVE to try it! I’ll be waiting for the chocolate cream recipe too. LOL

  2. let me know how you like the recipe! It’s delicious and pretty simple to make. I’ll post a chocolate cream recipe soon 😉

  3. Rhubarb is one of my absolute favorites, but too many people like to sweeten the tart right out of it (which spoils it in my opinion!) Can’t wait to try it…. rhubarb isn’t quite ready here, but hopefully Spring will stop playing peek-a-boo with us!!

    1. This has been an interesting year, hasn’t it? Feels like the longest winter EVER! 😉

      I think this recipe is a good balance of both sweet and tart. enjoy!

    1. okay, but we’ll have to find some good rhubarb. Saw some at the farmer’s market yesterday…wish I would have bought some and put it in the freezer 😉

    1. Hi Tiffany! What a sweet thing to say 🙂 I bet you’d like rhubarb if you like lemon. sounds funny, I know, but whenever you cut the sweetness with something flavorful and sour, it’s wonderful. Rhubarb and strawberries play well together. Try this and see!


    1. Hello my sweet Michele! I have met so many pie crusts that I didn’t like…I think I’ve tried them all. This is the easiest to handle and the best tasting (in my opinion.) Secret ingredient…cream cheese! Trust me, you are gonna LOVE it, and I believe it makes the whole pie-making experience a much more positive one when the crust turns out the way you want it to. 😉
