date night

This past weekend we got our little pool set up in the back yard and bought a market umbrella for our deck table. We spent a lot of time out there, sipping vino, lazing “pool side”…and we took time to go on a date. We walked up to the Veranda Restaurant at the St. James…

california travel journal ~ day seven

The last day of our vacation was upon us…it arrived too soon, but we made the most of it. Breakfast at The Ocean View Cafe, shopping in Manhattan Beach and ice cream at the Manhattan Beach Creamery. Here are some scenes from our day. Enjoy. ~Melissa


knobby twigs mossy terracotta pots in neat rows filled with rich soil fragrant with life roots reaching deep towards the planet’s core somehow sensing the source green tendrils coiling filled with chlorophyll straining with all their might towards the sun in the opposite direction a buzzing batallion gathering sweet nectar scattering pollen the rose geranium…

california travel journal ~ day six

On the fourth of July we were pretty much convinced that we should stay on the resort. Have you ever experienced the craziness that is California rush hour? It sucks. Not. Gonna. Lie. and on a holiday? um…no way. We were happily staying in for the day. So, how happy for us that our resort…

california travel journal ~ day five

I don’t know about you, but I’m seeing a pattern here…Ocean View Cafe for breakfast, beach time, pool time (all of these things, every day? Yup.) So because I don’t want to bore you with the same things over and over, I’ll just tell you right now, we had this sandwich twice. And I loved…