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vanilla dream divinity candy

I woke up thinking about spending the day in the kitchen, baking our favorite Christmas treats, and that’s exactly what I did. I started with the dough for Swedish pepperkakor which is still chilling in the refrigerator. I moved on to Snowballs (Russian Tea Cakes with chocolate kisses in the center…and snickerdoodles with Rolos in the center…double yum!)… and ended with a big batch of my Vanilla Dream Divinity. It’s so wonderfully fluffy and sweet. I’ve been making it for years (without nuts because my daughter Andie despises them) and I have to say…I’ve gotten pretty good at it.  The key to good divinity is patience and timing. Once you get the hang of it, it’s a breeze.

2 and 2/3 cup white, granulated sugar

2/3 cup light corn syrup

1/2 cup water

2 egg whites (from extra large/jumbo eggs)

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Cook sugar, corn syrup and water in a 2 quart saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly until sugar is dissolved. Place a candy thermometer on the side of the suacepan so the end is in the liquid but not touching the bottom of the pan. Keep the flame on low and cook, without stirring, to 260 degrees F.

While the candy is cooking, place the egg whites in the bowl of your counter top mixer. When the candy has almost reached 260, beat the whites until very stiff peaks form using the whisk attachment. When the candy reaches 260, switch to the paddle attachment and turn the mixer on medium speed. Slowly, in a thin, steady stream, pour the candy into the egg whites. Add vanilla and beat until mixture holds it’s shape and the candy becomes dull.

Drop mixture, using a buttered spoon, onto waxed paper, or a silpat sheet. Let stand at room temperature for 12 hours, turning after 6.  Store in an airtight container.



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  1. Hi Melissa your photographs are so pretty and perfect , each and everyone just makes you want to reach into the screen and touch them. I have never made divinity before and look forward to trying them out for the first time. xoxo

  2. Hi Melissa, I cannot wait to try these, they sound ‘divine’!! I wanted to mention, however, that I was excited to see your reference to Swedish Pepperkakors! My Grandfather was born in Sweden and came to America when he was around 30 yrs old and somehow this recipe got passed down. I love them so much but I struggle terribly with getting them cut out of the dough that was rolled so thin. Do you have any suggestions? (I don’t have any luck with regular old sugar cookies either!) Thanks so much!

  3. I will definitely have to try this recipe as soon as possible. Divinity is my favorite candy and I have missed it for years. At 68yrs. old and NOT getting good Divinity sense my mother passing and no more homemade candies, I am looking for a good one. When I was a child and we took road trips, we always stopped at a STUCKEY’S, do you remember those? we would buy three or four of the Pecan Logs which was Divinity log rolled in crushed pecans. Mother would give us small slices of that log and it was never enough. I always wanted more, but by the time I was grown, there were no STUCKE’S to be found anywhere I went. I will have to make logs out of this and roll in pecans. Wish me luck, I know it has to be very low humidity to make to perfection so I have to wait for better weather.

    1. Hi Carolyn! I’m so glad you stopped by and commented. This is my favorite divinity recipe. It’s “real” divinity and not the dried up frosting-like stuff they sell in the grocery stores around Christmas time 😉 I’m sure you know what I mean. This is beautiful with walnuts or pecans added to it… and around Valentine’s Day I like to add a tiny bit of red food coloring and chopped up maraschino cherries to make it pink. LOVE your idea of turning this into rolls! I’ve never been to a Stuckey’s, but I’m sure they’re great! XO ~M

      1. We used to break the batch in half and make some dark pink and some green at Christmas. I bought a pkg of the Divinity one time from the store near me and that was nasty. After one taste, the rest went into the trash.
        I am looking for a recipe that maybe you can help me with. I want a recipe for a Chocolate Macaroon pie. I have had one before and it was awesome, but I can’t find one listed anywhere. Maybe one of your followers knows a good recipe. Thank you.

  4. Okay…. these look fabulous on the picture and so I thought I give them a try.

    I think they taste wonderful and my kids think they taste wonderful but I could not get them to peak. I mixed them after I added the candy to the egg whites which were forming soft peaks I could never get a peak, maybe I wasn’t patient enough. You did say it took patience but it seem like we took a mighty long time.

    So basically as I drop them onto wax paper they flattened out out and are touching each other like very large white cookies, I’m gonna leave them to set up so hopefully they will harden. What did I do wrong?

    1. Make sure the egg whites are beaten to stiff peaks before adding the syrup mixture. Also make sure the syrup mixture has reached the proper temperature and that you continue beating the mixture until it looks dull. Shiny means you will get flat candy. I used to make all flavors of divinity. Yellow food coloring and lemon flavoring, blue color and black walnut flavoring, green with spearmint, red with either cherry or peppermint, as well as the white vanilla.

  5. I only have 1 question, what if your stand up mixer or hand mixer for that matter doesnt have a paddle attachment but reg 2 metal blades is that going to matter?

    1. I’ve mixed my divinity with that type of mixer before (I think the brand was Sunbeam) and it totaled my mixer. I wouldn’t worry about the attachments as much as I’d be concerned that your mixer can handle the thickness of the divinity candy once it gets to the last stage. Hope that helps. ~M

  6. My mom used to make divinity and said not to make on a humid day. The outcome was better on a dry day. Any thoughts?

    1. That is absolutely true! 🙂 That’s why I’m always thankful for a cold, dry day in the middle of December when I make mine.

  7. Made your recipe this morning and it turned out perfect. The flavor is wonderful and I loaded mine up with pecans. I remember making this a long time ago and found that it helps to wet anything you use to scoop out the divinity. I dip my fingers and a spoon in water, shake off the excess and can move very quickly doing so. Will probably have to make another batch before Christmas Day! ????