What I bought…
silver plate server
a dimpled glass shaker
dessert plate
orphaned tea cup
retro pyrex covered glass bowls
what I left behind…
this pretty turquoise-blue popcorn glass pitcher and glasses
If the set is still there when I return, I may have to buy them. So pretty!
Today my friend Nancy and I got together and went on a little thrifting adventure downtown Red Wing. I was so happy with my finds! I have a whole stash of previous thrift store scores that I discovered while on a late night thrifting outing with the hubby. I also purchased some things from my friend Clare before she put them in her garage sale. I’m itching to post pictures of these treasures!…but, all in good time.
Anyhoo, today after thrifting, Nancy ordered Chinese take out, we went back to her place, munched shrimp fried rice and beef lomein, and watched the first three hours of Downton Abbey on her big screen TV. Bliss!
What are you up to this weekend?
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