Home » Blog » Date Night With Jeff » Date Night with Jeff ~ Sarah’s for Dinner & Jimmy’s Pub for Dessert

Date Night with Jeff ~ Sarah’s for Dinner & Jimmy’s Pub for Dessert

On Friday night I walked over to the Sanctuary and had a fun happy hour with friends. I took pictures but they didn’t turn out. Oh well, maybe next time. My daughter Gracie was hosting a sleep-over the same night and going to a school dance, so Jeff and I decided to have date night the same evening…

We had dinner at Sarah’s~

I had the Mirrossou Sauv Blanc…

we had the yummy, homemade fries dipped in mayo…

and the 1/3  lb. burger, medium well, with sharp cheddar and Nueske’s bacon

Sarah’s closes at 9 PM on a Friday night…sooooo…

We walked over to the St. James…

took the elevator to the top floor… and watched live music at Jimmy’s Pub…

we shared a Mochatini…

while watching Shawn, Steve & Russ play.

What did you do for date night?


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  1. i love your shoes btw. i’m a clog collector :). joe came home friday and went straight to bed (upper resp infection). saturday he went to the dr while the girls and i went to a benefit run. saturday he felt up to it so we rode all over and hung out on every patio we could find! it was so beautiful!!! sunday it was much colder, so we went out for breakfast, watched movies all day on the couch and got mexican take out for dinner! now he’s back in atlanta for the week. so we sort of do date weekend, and if the girls are around, well, we just find a venue they can enjoy too!

  2. Melissa, It was great to meet you at “happy hour” Friday night. Bummer our pix didn’t turn out. I’m already looking forward to my next visit to Red Wing!

  3. Maria~ Thanks! Sounds like you had a good weekend anyway. Sorry to hear Joe isn’t feeling well. I love the idea of an entire date weekend 😉

  4. Ellen~ I liked meeting you too! Isn’t the Sanctuary an amazing place? Did you ladies have fun after I left? Sorry I had to leave so quick. The next time you’re in RW, lets do cheese and vino again! 😉


  5. LOVE date weekends, miss them terribly… Sometimes being relaxed together is nice, but I admit a lot of the time I’m bored and can’t stand sitting around. I like to go do things like walking (in good weather), shopping, art galleries, fairs, car shows, movies, whatever. Need to get out to more bands, those are a ton of funs but we always seemed to miss the dates of anyone playing nearby.

  6. Thanks for joining the party, even if for a short time. Too bad we didn’t venture upstairs at the St. James, we may have seen you. We were down in the “historic” lobby admiring the Pipe Organ from The Sanctuary, and the photogragh that was hiding behind the door. It showed where it had been in the church as well the choir section next to it. We wondered what happend to all the original windows. We had dinner at The Brickhouse and stopped at The Blue Duck – unfortunately there was no music. A really fun night and Birthday celebration!

  7. So pleased you had a nice birthday Clare! Can’t wait to hang out with you at the gorgeous quilting studio next week. Let’s do tea again! I’ll bring treats 😉