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Six Senses Saturday


Maple Bacon doughnuts from Red Wing’s  Hanisch Bakery


photograph by Melissa Placzek


Mindy Gledhill’s sweet voice over the iPod dock…

This music is just my cup of tea. Take a listen for yourself…



All About Your Heart


French press brewing…


These beautiful, inspiring books by Amanda Blake Soule-

A treasure trove of inspiration!

~Almost being able to Feel~

The grass between my toes and the warm summer sun on my face

when I look at this picture I took last June…


Just like I knew when I painted this illustration…

What are you up to this weekend, friends?



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  1. i do like that music! 🙂 sounds like a beautiful saturday. i had date day with joey and we had lots of fun. we ran errands, went to see tron and had some wine with friends. 🙂

  2. Maria- I’ve been listening to her, Lenka and Melanie Gardot on a continuous loop all day. Dreamy, romantic “Saturday” afternoon music. xo

  3. Tasting & Smelling – Yup, I finally can! LOL Seeing – the small typo in your header “Hearing”, Feeling – Silly happy that I caught it and Knowing you’re human. Ha Ha Ha Seriously, I had a busy weekend but was able to meet with an old friend on Saturday night, totally reconnected, and enjoyed Dakota’s first formal dance. So, Tasted a wonderful Tuna & Avacado salad while out to dinner, Felt the hug from an old friend, Saw my son dressed up looking so grown, Heard the giggling voices of teens after their first formal dance, and Knowing that it’s just the beginning of a lot more good things to come!!