Vintage Treasures

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“The whole thrill of junking is that you just know the next table will have what you’ve been looking for your entire life.” ~Mary Randolph Carter

A few of you have written, asking me to share pictures of my vintage and antique store loot. I went to lunch and did a little treasure hunting with my friend Nancy yesterday. Some of these things were found yesterday, and some of them were found on another excursion a few months ago. Enjoy!

Old books are a passion of mine. Look at some of these titles! I was especially thrilled to find the old copy of Joan of Arc.

My favorite book to read around Christmas time.

“It is not that I belong to the past, but the past that belongs to me.” ~Mary Antin

This will be a fun one to read while gathered around a campfire. Maybe on Halloween? 😉

“Each item in a collection has it’s own story, it’s own memory–the search, the day you bought it, who you were with, the vacation…” ~Trisha Guild

My other passion…vintage linens!

I adore white Damansk

I couldn’t believe the deal I got on this Damansk table cloth(pictured above) …it’s in pristine condition and fits our table perfectly!

More red and white!

another collection…vintage tea towels. I’ll be sharing more pictures of my vintage tea towels and linens in my tea book!

Vintage baby dress patterns and an entire bolt of vintage calico fabric.

a vintage children’s weaving loom. Did you have one of these when you were little? I remember making potholders for hours! I wonder where I could get some of those stretchy fabric loops so Gracie could make some? Hmmmm…

Just what I needed. Another purse. I couldn’t pass up the velvet roses!

Where are your favorite places to shop for vintage and antique items? Do you have any special collections or ideas you’d like to share?


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