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little luxuries ~ library books, lunch and a latte

Can you believe summer vacation is over? Did you get everything on your “summer list” accomplished? I sure didn’t. I’ll put the last few unfinished items back in the summer folder and unearth them when June rolls around again. I am astounded by how quickly time passes.

Yesterday was the first day of school for Gracie. I spent a few solid hours in my home studio, writing and editing photos. Then I started to feel a little restless. Jeff was at a business meeting and the house was just too darn quiet. The sun was shining in a perfect blue sky and calling me to come out and play…

So, I decided to go for a little solo adventure downtown Red Wing.

First stop: the library to pick up some books that were waiting for me.


The Sub House for a little lunch…

Half a sub, a cup of soup and an iced tea hit the spot.

 My last stop: the adorable

Best of Times Bookstore

for dessert…

a yummy pumpkin pie latte…mmmmmmm!

When I returned home I was refreshed and ready for another writing session and a photo shoot. It’s amazing what an hour or two enjoying some favorite things can do for my creativity. What do you like to do when you have a little time to yourself?


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