Hello everyone and welcome to! I am so excited to be writing about how to add simple pleasures to your life every day. This is a passion for me, and a privilege.
I am the author of two books, “Chin Deep in Bubbles- Little Luxuries for Every Day,” which was published in 2001, and “Welcome Home – Tips For Turning Your Home Into a Luxurious Retreat,” which was published in 2004. Both books were published by a wonderful publishing house on the east coast called “Fair Winds Press.” Writing these books was an adventure. I learned so much from this experience and had a lot of fun along the way.
The purpose of this blog is to share inspirational ideas. My desire is to create a place where you can find useful health tips, great recipes, frugal spa recipes for your bath time, and many other simple pleasures that will enrich your life.
The weekly blog schedule will be changing! I’ll keep you posted. I will still be writing posts that will fit within the categories you’re use to reading, just not necessarily on their designated days. I have also added a new category, “Inspire!” that will feature crafts and recipes that wouldn’t be considered “spa” fare. Enjoy!
I look forward to hearing from you!