
“A book of verses underneath the bough, a jug of wine, a loaf of bread and thou…” ~Edward Fitzgerald It’s my birthday week and the first celebration was a little picnic under our oak tree. We made a Muffuletta sandwich, sipped wine and rosewater lemonade, and had creamsicle Oreos and dark Dove chocolates for dessert.…


~muffuletta~ Yesterday was one of those days that was perfect for a picnic so I decided to get up early and make a muffuletta sandwich. This is an Italian delicacy that actually originated in New Orleans at a little place called Central Grocery. They have a specific way of making the sandwich, but as you…

berry trifle with mirabelle cream

~berry trifle with mirabelle cream~ Here’s a perfect recipe for warm summer days. No baking is involved so your kitchen (and you) can stay cool as a cucumber and you can still serve a delicious elegant dessert. What really makes this trifle recipe special is the addition of Mirabelle, a superlative Alsatian eau de vie,…

six senses saturday

~seeing~ about 25 bald eagles flying overhead and My family enjoying dinner out on the deck… ~hearing~ Alexi Murdoch on the iPad ~smelling~ fresh spearmint-infused iced tea ~tasting~ Romanian basil-beef kabobs after my son-in-law-to-be showed me this yummy recipe! ~feeling~ happy, grateful and exhausted after a long day ~knowing~ that this is a good match…

vintage pretties

Today I met my friend Clare at her gorgeous quilting studio here in Red Wing. After moving some furniture into her new space, we noshed on banana bread, black pepper kettle chips and rosewater lemonade. This time I made my lemonade with Lebanese rosewater (which, according to many rosewater enthusiasts, is the best rosewater you…