Grandpa Bob’s Chickens
My grandpa Bob sent me this handmade card when I was six years old. He was an artist who painted and sculpted and encouraged me to be creative. I was drawing and painting before I could talk, and only got positive feedback from my grandparents and parents.
Since then I’ve been fortunate enough to have had two books published that contain my art. I am astounded by the loving, encouraging messages I’ve received from my family and friends. But what is even more amazing are the compliments I get from people who don’t even know me.
I think everyone is an artist and I’ve always tried to be the encouraging kind. The kind of person who makes others feel good about what they’re pursuing. I believe that the universe has an endless supply of talent and success, and that when one person is successful there won’t be another person going without because of it. Instead, I believe that the beautiful, life affirming, soaring feeling one gains from success is contagious. I believe that the process of self-actualizing will cause other people who come in contact with you to believe they can be successful and creative too.
That’s not to say that I haven’t come in contact with the “other” kind of artist. The kind that spends so much time watching what you’re doing that they become the ugliest possible version of themselves out of some type of worry, jealousy, and belief that the world does indeed hold a limited amount of success, talent and joy. How sad of an existence this must be. How small. How toxic.
I just want to say thank you to all of you who bother with my little corner of the internet every day. Thanks for taking the time to be the encouraging sort. You mean the world to me.
<3 What an awesome & touching story. Thank you for sharing. AND for being that encouraging person. 🙂
Thanks Keri! It can be challenging at times. So much opposition seems to arise when the jealous types get their undies in a bunch. Rise above and take the high road, right? 🙂