Cooking Together ~ Cottage Cheese Dill Bread

“Here is a collection of recipes for soups, breads, sauces, dips, spreads, entrees, and desserts influenced by many different ethnic cooking styles. The recipes are all vegetarian, utilizing a large variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, grains, herbs, and spices. This cuisine is about celebrating the bounty of nature in general, and a garden-and orchard-based…

Movie Review-“Coco Before Chanel”

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” ~Coco Chanel Did you know that before Coco (Gabriel) Chanel was a world famous fashion designer she was a seamstress and a bar dancer? Her unwavering will to succeed and affair with a baron gave her an entree into French society and the opportunity…

Easter Story Cookies

This is a fun way to illustrate the Easter story for children. Share the story of Jesus’ resurrection with your family by making these Easter story cookies. They should be prepared the night before Easter. Easter story cookies 1 cup whole pecans 1 teaspoon vinegar 3 egg whites A pinch of salt 1 cup sugar…

Current Crush-Cray Floral Thermos

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”. ~William Morris My friends Heather and Tom gave this to me for Christmas a couple years ago and I just love it. Beautiful and useful. Perfect! Thanks guys! It’s available at Patina stores if you just have…

Create Without Fear

photograph by Melissa Placzek It seems that the subject of creativity has been coming up in conversation a lot lately. Whether it is taking about different forms of art with one of my best friends who is an art teacher, or with another friend who works so many hours she never seems to get a…